Ei Media

Online, print, video and radio media recognizes the importance of Ei’s projects with impressive coverage. The initial February 2009 Zero Waste Zones press release and conference garnered over 60 million media impressions, ranging from a CNN ZWZ story to a front-page New York Times article.

The following pages detail Ei media coverage across various mediums. Select prominent media coverage is included in the below Featured Media section.

Featured Media

Inside Supply Management

The October 2016 Inside Supply Management front cover article, Full Circle: Supply management can play a key role in the circular economy, working with suppliers to eliminate waste and drive financial value, features quotes by Ei Founder Holly Elmore on the importance of WE Consciousness (teamwork!), corporate culture and ROI in circular economy-focused business practices. Holly’s quote, “Sustainability is a long-term commitment that requires, at times, short-term investments or temporary financial shortcomings. But in the long run, if it is done with integrity and committed planning with the right resources plugged in, the ROI will be there.” ends the article.

The ZWA Blog article, Zero waste moves from “best” to standard operating practices, gives an overview of the excellent article along with the commentary on the zero waste industry evolution.

Pallet Central

October 2016
The Sept | Oct Pallet Central issue features Zero Waste Makes Good Business & Environmental Sense on the front cover! Pallet Central is published by the National Wooden Pallet and Container Association (NWPCA) and distributed to approximately 6500 members and industry colleagues. Ei Founder Holly Elmore wrote the article on behalf of the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council; Ei is the Official USZWBC Media Partner.

The article is an introduction to embarking on the zero waste journey along with first steps supported by economic, community and environmental benefits. The ZWA Blog article, Zero waste moves from “best” to standard operating practices, gives an overview of the important article along with the commentary on the zero waste industry evolution.

AAAE’s Airport Magazine

In the American Association of Airport Executives’ February | March publication of Airport Magazine, the Atlanta Airport (ATL) presents a proactive approach to Airborne Kitchen Grease (AKG). The AIRBORNE KITCHEN GREASE: A New Frontier in Sustainability, A simple solution saves tremendous water use, labor and dollars article is featured in the Airport Magazine Asset Management department.

The article is co-written by ATL Director of Sustainability and Asset Management Michael Cheyne and Ei Founder Holly Elmore with Liza Milagro, ATL senior sustainability planner, and Jordan Salpietra of Ellis Fibre substantiating the ATL-specific estimates. The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Airport Presents a Proactive Approach to Airborne Kitchen Grease, provides the article details, context and link.

Whole Living, a Martha Stewart Publication

Spoil Alert – Atlanta’s wasted food crusaders receive a national spotlight in a November Whole Living feature article, by renown nature | science writer Elizabeth Royte. In addition, editor-in-chief Alanna Stang dedicates an entire paragraph to Spoil Alert in her Editor’s Letter. Ei Founder Holly Elmore is featured throughout the article as the host to Elizabeth’s two-day Atlanta interview marathon. The ZWA Blog post, Atlanta Wasted Food Heroes in National Spotlight, is an overview of the article with commentary.

CNN Video and Article

City Aims for Zero Waste – The Zero Waste Zones – Downtown Atlanta is featured in a story that aired prime-time in Europe, Asia and North America markets during Earth Week 2009. On the Saturday before Earth Week the story was listed on the CNN.com’s home page. The video received over 132,000 viewings; most stories receive around 30,000 viewings.

Ei Online Magazines