Nature Prevails, a new Ei platform

Nature Prevails, a new Ei platform

Ei announces the Nature Prevails platform to complement and support the Soil Health | Regenerative Agriculture and Water Use | Toxicity platforms.
Within the Nature Prevails premise, the Earth heals herself and nurtures renewed life forms, no matter the calamity caused by humans, natural disasters, or extraterrestrial activities.
With a commitment to align work with Nature, Ei defined The Principles of Nature with three broad categories:
– Diversity
– Dynamic Balance
– Necessity of Cover & Ability to Roam
Beyond the environment-related activity within in each category, societal systems including economic structures, financial markets, urban design to name a few also align within and are impacted by The Principles of Nature.

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A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration

A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration

In honor of Ei’s ten-year anniversary, a three-article series celebrates the impressive Decade of Impact. The third and final article, “A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration,” chronicles Ei’s work from June 2017 through current efforts. Within the Soil Health | Regenerative Agriculture and Water Use | Toxicity, Ei Ei segued from national to global impact via speaking engagements, contributions to prominent scoping papers, co-hosting international events, and attending global gatherings as respected media.

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The Legacy of the AMAZING Cindy Jackson

On October 31, 2019 Zero-Waste Icon Cindy Jackson retired from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Ga Tech) as the Director of Waste & Recycling. Under Cindy’s 22-year leadership, Ga Tech never succumbed to single-stream systems and the award-wining recycling program operated as a profit center.

In industry circles, Cindy is known as “The AMAZING Cindy Jackson.” Ei Founder Holly Elmore coined the term at Cindy’s first Ei Partner Meeting. Accurate, the name became a common way to address Cindy with her industry colleagues.

The article is an overview of Cindy’s literally amazing professional accomplishments and ends with the Oct 25 retirement celebration.

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Spartanburg County School District Six: a culture of EXCELLENCE!

Darryl Owings, a culture of excellence infiltrates the district’s entire spectrum of operations. With the strong support of the nine-member School Board, Darryl ensures the SCSD6 adheres to their mission to always put the children first.

As a significant step in serving students healthy, freshly prepared food, SCSD6 ended their third-party foodservice-operator contract and established internal culinary operations.

In 2016, SCSD6 took possession of the 16-acre plot of land destined for the district’s organic-certified farm within their Farm 2 School program.

The article showcases the community spirit, collaborative effort and investments that resulted in the SCSD6 evolving from the development to the operational stage.

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Plastics: a double-edged sword

The seemingly magical gift of plastic came with a double-edged sword filled with the potential to destroy life as it is currently known on Earth.

In less than seventy years, humans managed to infiltrate the Earth with micro and #nanoplastics from discarded single-use and durable products in literally every nook and cranny, ranging from the arctic snow caps to the depths of the oceans and everywhere in between.

It is time to shift perspectives from human-focused to life-focused and let the Earth show us how to heal the damage inflicted. Answers will come to those who live and take action from the heart.

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A Hydroponic-Agriculture Renaissance

GREAT NEWS: hydroponic farming uses approximately 10% of the water consumed in soil-based agriculture. If enclosed, hydroponic farms eliminate the use of the “cides” (insecticides, pesticides and herbicides). Food safety improves as soil-borne diseases are not a factor. These are only a few of the benefits of hydroponic farming included in the “A Hydroponic-Agriculture Renaissance” article.

With the global population and desertification escalating along with a diminishing clean water supply, hydroponics farming holds promise to feed the world’s citizens with healthy, nutritious food produced in a cost-effective and water-conscious manner.

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